Wednesday, May 26, 2010

On the Move...

Alexis is finally on the move! Whether rolling, scooching or crawling, she can move (and get into things) very quickly. She's also starting to pull herself up to her knees, which means it's only a matter of days/weeks before she will be able to pull herself up to standing. It's heartbreaking to know that next month she will be 1 year old! At the rate she is going with her mobility, she'll be walking in no time! My baby girl is growing up!
Rolling & scooching...
Finally crawling...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Look What We Can Do...

At the end of every year, Andrew's school holds a program called "Look What We Can Do". It's a 40 minute show of his class singing some of the songs they have learned in music. Although he likes to play shy with people, I think he rather likes all the attention from everyone.  I found out the next week that he even made the local paper here... a picture and a comment! Enjoy my little ham!!!
Making a grand entrance...
Playing the triangle & singing...
Singing with sign language...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Take me out to the Ball Game...

Andrew started his 3rd season of Little League this year. The past two years he has been in t-ball, but this year he is officially in baseball. One of the differences from the last few years to this year is that instead of hitting off a tee, he has the balls thrown to him from an automatic machine. He also now plays 2 nights a week for 2 hours vs. one night a week for one hour. As much as he has enjoyed playing, we have both decided this will be his last year participating in it. He plays soccer in the spring as well, and has chosen to do that sport only. It gets to be a lot going to practice and games every night of the week between both of them, and I am definitely ready to be done relying on other people to help out. He has gotten much better in the 3 years he has played, and I am so proud of him for giving it his all. Great job Andrew on a sport well done! 
Andrew getting ready to bat...
And a hit...
Safe on First...
On Third, ready to head Home...
Another hit...