I'm just about at the end of my rope with a certain 4-year-old in my house that shall remain nameless for the time being. Everyday I wake up knowing getting him dressed and to the breakfast table is going to be my first (of many) challenge of the day. The rest of the day goes EXACTLY how the day before went. Power struggles and flat out disobeying! Most of you know I
try to be reasonable yet stern (for those of you laughing, shhh!). However, with him, all reasoning goes out the door and frustration sets in. I do love the fact he is a strong willed child because I know later in life it will get him far, but as of now all it does is get him in trouble. Unfortunately, I am out of disciplinary ideas of how to deal with him these days. Time outs, grounding and even a few butt spanks seem to be getting me no where. I remember back when he was a laid back and quiet little guy. I miss those days!!! HELP!!!
Well...I had the same power stuggle issues with Taylor. I made a chart...I put the normal daily routine on it. Get up, get dressed, brush teeth, etc. every time she did one of those without melting down she would get a sticker. At first I started her out with about 15 stickers to be earned and she would get some kind of small prize. The better she got the more stickers she would have to earn. SHE LOVED IT! We use charts ALL the time now! Be consistent. her school work chart has been more of a struggle but we haven't given up yet!
That's so funny you mentioned a chart. I was just looking at Andrew's scholastic book order and they have some in there. I think I will definitely give it a try since it worked for you. Thanks!!
Of course!!!! I hope it works for you! I remember the days when every day I woke up thinking "oh crap what is going to happen today..." It sucked feeling that way. But we are over it now. :)
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