This year, the boys and I had the pleasure of doing our pumpkin carving with my bestfriend, Tammy, and her 3 boys. We all got together at my house the Wednesday before Halloween and had a very nice pumpkin carving party.
Austin's favorite part of carving pumpkins is definitely opening it up and pulling out the guts. He's always been my "messy" kid, and loves feeling the pumpkin goo all over his hands while sorting out the seeds. I do all of the cutting for him right now, but he likes to help punch the pieces out once they are carved. He does quite well, too!
Andrew was more interested in the carving and did a great job! He sat there the whole time working very hard on making his cuts precise. He loves doing little projects like this, and I rather enjoy watching him!
Aaron even attempted to get in on some of the activity with his buddy, Nolan. They weren't very keen on pulling out the insides, nor did they help with the carving, but they sure liked to take the top off and on. They were so cute together!

After a good hour and a half, everyone was finally done carving their creations. Andrew did great on his silly face pumpkin and Austin loved his ghost pumpkin. All in all, it was a grand old time!