Monday, July 20, 2009

Showers of Love...

This past Sunday my mom and sisters threw Alexis and I a "Wecome Home Baby Shower" at Megan's house. It was originally set up to be a baby shower before she came since she wasn't due until the end of this month, but in true girl fashion, Alexis came out early just so she wouldn't miss out on a party honoring her. Here is a pic of her and I in our party outfits (her dress was a lot cuter than my outfit :)
Many of our friends and family showed up with great gifts for my precious daughter. I swear the girl has more clothes than me now and can wear a different outfit everyday until she turns 1! She also got a lot of lovely handmade blankets and all the bedding & accessories to complete her bedroom set (and it looks great in there). She even got her very first 14k gold necklace with a heart charm and baby ring!

Everyone enjoyed holding and loving on her too! Since she was in the incubator in the nursery at the hospital when everyone was visiting, this was the first time most people got to hold her. Aunt Patty got some good snuggling time with her and absolutely loved it!

Even the little girls had to get in on holding her and they did so well! It was sooo precious!
She loved all the attention and was completely worn out by the end of the day! Sleepy baby...
All in all it was a great shower! I'm very grateful for wonderful friends and family that took time out of their weekend to make my little girl's shower so much fun! Thanks everyone!!!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

gald you had a great shower! Sorry I missed it