Along with the start of a new school year, Andrew and Austin also started AYSO soccer. Every Saturday morning you can find me cheering on the boys during their games. We have been fortunate so far this season to have each of their teams playing at different times. Andrew played last year and was able to jump right in this year. He's enjoying it a lot more this year because they actually have positions, and play for a full hour. They also have a designated goalie, which he always volunteers to be. He's still too afraid to actually step in and try to take the ball from the other team, but I know in time he will get the hang of it!

Austin, on the other hand, was very hesitant. In his first game he got right in there and played. The second game was a complete no-go and he sat on the sidelines with us the WHOLE time. At his 3rd game this past weekend, I was finally able to convince him to play the last 2 minutes of the game (out of 30). Hopefully this week will be a little bit better and he will play the whole time.
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