Alexis hits the 3 month mark in a few short days, and it's hard to believe she is already a quarter of a year old. It seems like just yesterday she was still hanging out in my womb and I was anticipating her arrival. Today I was FINALLY able to pack up all her newborn clothes and get out her 0-3 month clothes. And that is not a typo - she is JUST starting to fit into the 0-3 month size. It amazes me looking at pictures of when she was just born and seeing what a long way she's come. She actually has a little bit of baby chub to her and barely any hair - totally opposite of when she came out. She loves to kick her little legs in excitement and has started cooing within the last week. She also smiles, a lot! She loves playing in her bouncer and swinging in her swing. You can definitely tell she is the princess of the family because when she doesn't get her way, she screams her head off. The boys absolutely love her and I think she is beginning to recognize them. Austin finally held her for the first time a few weeks ago (he didn't claim her as his sister when she was born because she didn't have "white" hair like he did). I'm very anxious to see what the next 3 months have in store for us as she begins to roll and hopefully crawl. As for now, I don't mind her being my immobile cuddle bug :)
She is one adorable little girl, and so loved! And I hope her mommy feels better soon!
She sure is cute! Mine never fit into size 0-3 months...because they were too big :)!
Beautiful just like her mommy.
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