Well, there are only 3 months left until my baby girl turns 1! Even though she is 9 months old now, she definitely looks more like a 6 month old due to her small size. At her doctors appointment on Monday, she weighed in at 15lb, 12oz which put her in only the 5th percentile. However, with her being my last baby, I don't mind her taking her time in growing at all! She's done so many new things in the last 3 months that amaze me even after seeing 3 other kids do it! She is officially rolling both ways and can even sit up all my herself! In the last week she has also started scooching on her back to get her places faster. She has been introduced to baby food and loves all the vegetables and fruit! I tried to give her a few puffs and biter bisquits the other day since she still has no teeth and could just gum them, but she started gagging, so I put them away for later use. The doctor did notice one tooth that should be popping through anyday, so we anxiously await that. The latest and greatest thing I have introduced her to has been a sippy cup with juice. She's still trying to get the hang of it, but is doing well. She's n a set daily routine and has been down to one 2-3 hour nap a day for quite a while now which helps me immensely! She still wakes up once or twice in the middle of the night, but I am hoping that once a few teeth pop through, she will sleep peacefully. She is really starting to interact more with her brothers and LOVES all the attention from them. Whenever she is in a room and someone leaves, she screams her head off until they come back. Once they are back in the room, she goes back to playing like nothing even happened. Spoiled perhaps!? She also "talks" up a storm and laughs at just about everything. Her favorite thing to play with is still her activity center and she bounces around in it like crazy! She's a very happy, go-lucky baby and definitely the princess of the family!

Alexis in her Easter dress...

And her tu-tu...

1 comment:
Great posts! Once again, I have to say how cute Alexis is and she always looks so happy! Although I missed it a little this year, I do agree with you on the whole Easter egg dying thing...I was kind of glad I had an excuse not to do it!
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