One year ago today, my life was blessed again with the birth of my precious baby girl. For those that know the story of
her birth, can imagine how lucky I feel to be here with her today celebrating this big milestone. Her whole conception, pregnancy and birth still seem surreal to me. And it's amazing how fast her first year has seemed to fly by and how much she has grown & learned! At her 1st year check-up she was still weighing in pretty small - only 18lbs and 28 3/4 in. long. But that's a long way from 4lb, 10oz! It seems like it has also taken her forever to finally roll over, crawl and stand-up, but she's moving right along now and I am sure will be walking soon. She spends her days crawling all over the living room and playing with her toys. She loves talking and has mastered mama, dada, ba-ba, nana and no. She also loves to laugh with her brothers, and they know just what to do to get a great giggle out of her When she gets really excited, she claps her hands and squeals like crazy! She is definitely a very happy, go-lucky kind of baby, which is a blessing since she is the last of four. I'm also over joyed that she was a girl because I love picking out which adorable outfit will suffice for the day. I just can't wait for her to get some hair so I can start putting it in pigtails. I finally did break down and take her to get ears pierced. She did so well with them and looks even cuter, if that's possible. Sadly, I did it
after I got her 1st pics taken, but she still looks as cute as ever!
All smiles...
Little Sailor Girl...
Such a sweet little grin...
Although she wasn't planned, I couldn't imagine the last year without her... nor would I ever want to. After having her 3 older brothers, she was truly another dream come true! Happy 1st Birthday, Alexis!!!
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