Monday, August 30, 2010

A Day at the Beach...

Before school went back in session, I wanted to take the kids to the beach one more time while it was still hot out. I'm not quite brave enough to take them on my own, so luckily, one of my best friends invited us to go along with her and her daughter. This past Thursday, I loaded up the kids and their gear, and headed out to Prairie View Park to meet up with Sheri and little miss Peyton. There were only 2 other families swimming, so it was very relaxing even with 4 kids. Sheri pulled some chairs up on the shore, and we sat back and watched the kids splash around. The weather was a bit cooler, but the kids didn't mind at all. They spent the afternoon swimming and playing in the sand. It was a perfect end of the season beach day!
Alexis swimming in her ladybug...
Andrew helping steer Alexis in the right direction...
Austin cheesing for the camera...
Andrew loving on Alexis...
Andrew throwing Austin in the water...
In he goes...
Andrew giving Austin a little lift...
Andrew trying to do a handstand...
Austin "jumping" in the water...
Austin and Peyton playing fetch ball...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hooray for Birthdays...

August is a busy month in my family for birthdays. My mom, little brothers (Matt & Mike), and sister (Megan) all have a birthday within a few weeks of each other. Normally, we do one big birthday party in the middle of the month to celebrate with everyone, but this year we decided to keep the parties separate and do something a little more low key.
For Megan's birthday, I went out with her and some of her friends downtown to celebrate. We hung out, got our drink on and even had some people in our group sing karaoke. Fun times!
Me with the birthday girl...
Good friends & good times...
Cheers to the birthday girl...
For my Mom's birthday, my dad thought it would be nice to surprise her with an intimate little celebration at my house with just them and my siblings. We grilled out and ended the night singing and having cake and ice cream. Good times!
Happy Birthday Mommy!...
Blowing out the candles...
Grandma and her little munchkins...

Monday, August 2, 2010

What If...

"Life is about two things; choices and mistakes. No matter what, you will always be making them. It's how you deal with it that makes you who you are."

I am the type of person that tends to live in the past quite a bit. I hold on to thoughts, moments and decisions longer than I really should. All too often I even go through the "what could have been" scenarios. The past year has been filled with a lot of those due to the struggles and hard decisions I have had to make. Life changing decisions, that at times, have made me regret choices in the past. A lot of people say you should never regret because it does no good... the choice was made and you learned something, be it good or bad. However, we're only human and that's easier said than done. I try to make the best out of every situation and look at it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Sure there are times I feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts, but during those times I work hard to stay optimistic and think of the things I have been blessed with. My children always come to mind first. My decisions in the past have brought me those 4 beautiful gifts that I wouldn't trade for the world. I do wish the road to having them and raising them were easier, and that the choices I make didn't have to affect them so much. I will admit, I do fear them looking back on their childhood and having those same "what if" moments. I pray that when they get older they can look back on their childhood and say it was wonderful despite some of the tough situations or times caused by my decisions. Am I crazy to think like that? Does anyone share that fear? I suppose I should proabably just shut up and continue to do the best I am able to and stop worrying about looking back already. But I know it will still be there in my back of my mind... I mean, what if???

" 'What' and 'if' are two words as nonthreatening as words come. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: 'What if?'..." - Letters to Juliet