Tuesday, September 28, 2010

News Flash: Cancer Sucks!!!

Okay... probably not the best title I have ever come up with, but good enough to get my point across, right!? It's just so heartbreaking getting the news that someone you love dearly has been diagnosed with it. For those of you who know firsthand how I feel, I am sorry and hope things turned out well. And my sincere condolences if things went the other way. For those of you who have not heard those words uttered from a loved one, I only pray that you never do.

Let me start from the beginning...

Back in 1991, my dad went in for a routine outpatient surgery to have some growths removed. Upon further testing, they found out the growths were malignant and so he began chemotherapy and radiation. Once his chemo was done and he was starting radiation, my mom went in for a routine check-up. Shortly after that doctors appointment she was informed she had ovarian cancer. Talk about a slap in the face! Here it was just a couple of months before Christmas and my parents, who had 8 kids living at home still, had both been diagnosed with cancer. Now, because there were so many kids to raise, my mom at that time stayed home and took care of us while my dad ran his roofing business and supported the family financially. However, once the chemo started, he wasn't working much so very little income was being generated. That's when the outpouring from our families and friends came in. Even our school district and other church families went above and beyond to help in a time of need. The generosity of others was overwhelming and we were blessed in ways unimaginable. My dad finished up with his treatments while my mom was scheduled for surgery, which was going to take place 2 days after Christmas. I will never forget that Christmas either! My mom comes from a large family herself with 10 siblings, so they decided to draw names to see which of my brothers and sisters they would be getting Christmas gifts for. They also opened their homes for us to stay with them while my parents were in Grand Rapids for my moms surgery and recovery. Within a few months, both my parents had follow-ups with their doctors and both were declared cancer free.
That was, until 2 months ago...

Over the summer, my mom had been having bladder problems and scheduled an appointment with her doctor. After her appointment, her doctor went ahead and scheduled an ultrasound of her bladder. During the scan they found a large mass. With the symptoms she had been experiencing, they were certain it was cancer and wanted to remove it and do further testing. The surgery itself went well, and my mom is recovering well. We remained optimistic as we waiting for the results from the testing to come in. A couple days later, my mom went in for her follow-up appointment and was given hopeful news. The tumor they had taken out was in fact malignant, but had not metastasized yet! Such a relief!! She was told, however, that this type of cancer has a high rate of reoccurance, so she will have to be checked out every 3 months to make sure it has not come back. I am thankful for modern medicine and science, but more grateful for a healing God! Thank you, Lord, for keeping my parents under your wing during these difficult times in their lives. Thank you for healing them from this awful disease, and thank you for your continual healing in all of us.

I do, however, wish this could've been the same outcome for other members in my family. In the fall of 1997, I lost my Uncle Jerry (my dads brother) to a 4 year fight with cancer. I'm grateful for the time we were able to spend with him, but miss him dearly to this day. Even though we knew way ahead of time the outcome didn't look good, nothing can ever prepare you for the loss.
Also, in the last few weeks we found out that my Uncle Butch (my moms brother-in-law) was diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer. He was told by doctors it is inoperable, and without chemo he only has 2 months left to live. His wife, my Aunt Kathy, passed away last March from infection, so my cousins are devestated with this news. If you guys could keep them and their children in your prayers, I would greatly appreciate it. Lord, I pray for peace and strength for my Uncle Butch and each of my cousins as they go through this difficult journey. Wrap your arms around all of them in the weeks and months to come, and allow them to feel the love you have for each of them. Thank you for your promise in knowing that this goodbye is only temporary, and the reassurance of everlasting life in Heaven with you.


The Paulk's said...

WOW, guess I missed this post! I will be praying for your family, glad your mom's surgery went well. That's a lot to handle for one family...continual prayers coming your way :)!

Mandy said...

I missed this post too. So happy that your mom's surgery went well and that they will be able to keep an eye on her. I will keep you and the rest of your family in my prayers as well.

Laura said...

Thanks, ladies... I appreciate it!