I've always considered myself a wise mom; a mom that could handle just about every type of kid with ease. I mean, I did come from a large family with eight siblings, and was babysitting for other families by the time I was 11. My passion was helping take care of children. All through school, and even once I became an adult and started working in the "real world", I maintainted my status as a babysitter. To this day I watch other children in my home, not to mention the fact that I myself have been a mother for 7 1/2 years. All this experience should have prepared me for just about anything! Key words - should have!
And then came the surprise of a lifetime! I found out I was pregnant with baby #4. And finally with a little girl! Well, the pregnancy and her birth should've taught me I was in for a lot more work with her than her older brothers, or any other child I had ever watched for that matter! Before Alexis came along, I had always heard from others that I should be happy with having only boys, because they are easier to raise than girls. Man, I should've listened to the rest of their advice, because they weren't lying! All my past experience and years of watching other little girls could not prepare me for my own daughter! I've had my house baby proofed since the day we moved in, even though each of my boys know their boundaries, and have since they were toddlers. I never had to worry much about what they were getting into or putting in their mouths. Sure they loved to explore and try to figure out new things, but they listened when I told them no, for the most part. But then came Alexis! I swear, when I tell her no she laughs in my face and tells me no instead (thank you, Aunt Patty and Uncle Eric)! Most of you know I am a neat freak, but not enough for this little girl! If there is the slightest thing on the floor, I can guarantee it will end up in her mouth within seconds of it hitting the ground. And I am almost certain she prefers tissue and toilet paper over edible things (thank you, Denise!). And don't even get me started on what kind of a mess I am sure to find if I accidentally leave one of the bedroom doors open and am occupied elsewhere, even for just a few seconds moments. Really?? After watching countless kids and having 3 active boys myself, how am I not ready for a little girl who looks so sweet and innocent?
But then again, she is my daughter ;)
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