Sunday, October 30, 2011

Perfect Pumpkins...

For the 3rd straight year in a row, my best friend and I did a pumpkin carving party with all of our kids. We changed it up a little this year by going over to her house instead of staying at mine since the weather was questionable and I don't have much indoor space. It was so nice that the older kids were able to do more of the carving on their own and we only had to supervise and help minimally while Alexis painted hers with ease.
Andrew and Austin getting down to business...
Scooping out the guts...
Getting every last seed...
On to carving...
Andrew delicately dissecting...
Andrew's grim reaper pumpkin...
Austin cutting carefully...
Austin's ghostly pumpkin...
Aaron painting his pumpkin...
So meticulous...
He got bored with painting, so he joined in on the carving...
Emptying out the seeds...
On to cutting...
Aaron's hand print pumpkin...
Alexis painting her baby pumpkin...
Such a pro, she doesn't even have to look...
Keeping a clean work space...
Just a few more spots...
The finished product(s)...
Our pumpkins on display...

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