Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No Tricks; Only Treats...

The kids and I headed over to my sister's house to go trick-or-treating in their neighborhood for the second year in a row. Our church does a whole night of trunk-or-treating and activities, but I think I enjoy trick-or-treating in neighborhoods far more than watching my kids play in bounce houses all night. Not to mention the fact that they get a lot more candy going door-to-door.
My Superheroes ready to go...
My sad little lady bug...
Happy again in the arms of her momma...
All ready to go hit the streets...
All smiles...
Patiently waiting...
And picking...
Andrew trudging to the next house...
Aaron scoping out his bucket...
Candy please, kind sir...
Alexis felt the need to knock on every. single. door. we came across...
Even when there was no sign of life inside...
Austin telling a story as he picks his candy...
Aaron all smiles...
Alexis giving it one last go...
Taking a little rest...
And a few more photos...
Shortly after this picture was taken, the boys were getting tired and ready to call it a night. I swear Alexis could've gone hours upon hours a little while longer, but I was ready to head back, too. It was another great Halloween night, and hopefully next year it will only get easier!

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