My sister Megan and I...
Me and my bestie, Tammy...
Me with my favorite martini, the Burdick Blizzard. It was very yummy and a great drink to kick off the night!
Everyone that came thought it was appropriate to celebrate my 30th by buying me drinks and shots. Of course, my first shot had to be done with 2 of my best friends, Megan and Tammy...
Now on to some tequila, mmm...
Ok, so it made me cringe a little...
A birthday shot with Amanda...
We stayed there for a couple hours eating, drinking and hanging out. Around 10:30pm, some of Megan's friends from work met up with us and decided we should give Shakespeares a try. Unfortuntely, a few of my friends had to call it a night at that point and they went home. However, the rest of us headed out to celebrate a while longer. A few more people met up with us there as well to celebrate.
Me with my little brother Matt...
Me with the Auntie Anne girls ~ Deanna, Deidre & Megan...
After hanging out at Shakespeares a while, a few of us decided to head on over Monaco Bay so I could dance a little bit before the night was over. Megan put in a request for the people playing the pianos to sing happy birthday, so I got called up to the stage and proceeded to get embarrassed. Thankfully our friend Kendra agreed to go up with me and I got to know her on a whole new level ;)
Me on stage with Kendra...
Us doing head, shoulders, knees and toes per request...
We pretty much stayed there til close before calling it a night! All in all, it was a great evening and a perfect way to celebrate the transition from my 20's into my 30's! Here's to another great 30 years!!!
Side Note - After this year I will never admit my age again, so keep track if you would like to know my true age from this point on :)
I'm glad you had so much fun. You looked beautiful and I'm glad you were surrounded by those who love you to celebrate your milestone birthday. And don't ever be ashamed of your age! Experience is something to be proud of ... besides 30, 31, 32, 33 ... is YOUNG!
Thanks for the kind words and thanks again for joining me and helping make it better! I guess they do say "you only look as old as you feel". Well, I don't feel a day older than 28...hehe
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