I never knew how much love my heart could hold until someone called me "mommy."
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Explorer Girl...
Alexis has hit the month 18 month mark, with a vengence! I've finally come to the conclusion that although I had my heart set on raising a girly girl, it's just not going to happen! Thanks to her 3 older brothers, she is definitely a tom boy... already! And she is a fearless little girl, too! She's constantly climbing onto everything and thinks it's hilarious to immediately do it again if you get her down. While I had my Christmas tree up over the holiday, I had to ban her to her bedroom because she kept taking ornaments off (even though I had it completely surrounded with gates). So one day I was in the kitchen making dinner and heard someone playing with her piggy bank. I walked in her room to find her sitting on the floor with it, so I assumed Aaron had gotten it down and given it to her because he was in there playing. So I put it back up on her dresser and made him come in the kitchen with me so he couldn't give it to her again. Well within 5 minutes, I heard her playing with it again. I walked into her room to find her standing on her Leapster table (she had pushed it across the floor and put it next to her dresser) with it in her hands. She looked directly at me and said "uh oh", like man I'm busted! And anytime the door to the boys' bedroom is left open, I can guarantee she has climbed Austins' ladder and is chilling on his top bunk. She's also become quite the little bully to Aaron. There have been a few times where she has just pummeled him in hopes of getting him to wrestle with her. It's become one of her favorite activities to do with her brothers! However, she also loves it when they want to cuddle or read her a story. They really look out for her :)
At her well check-up, she was still measuring in the 5th percentile for weight and 10th percentile for height, but she is still consistantly growing. I was hoping she would have caught up to average by now, but the doctor said she will most likely remain petite. I guess she is making up for her small physical size with her lager than life personality! She's saying all kinds of words, and even putting a few together. Although her favorite word to say is still "no", "thank you" is coming in strong at 2nd place! She's also very nosey inquisitive and problem solves quite well (video below is proo!). She loves playing with all her toys and is starting to gain a good little imagination. I think we have already started the terrible twos stage because she can already throw a tantrum like none other. It's shocking to me how early this started, but then again, I was warned girls are more dramatic... regardless of age! I think I am in for a bumpy ride with her!!!
Just hanging out of in her crib...
It's hard to be neat when you're learning to eat...
God has blessed me with three rambunctious sons and one precious daughter. My oldest son, Andrew, is 10 and my little overachiever (which I LOVE). Next comes Austin, who is 8, and a ball of energy from dawn to dusk! My youngest son, Aaron, is 6, and a definite "momma's boy". My baby girl, Alexis, is 3 1/2, and the princess of the family. I come from a large family and have the greatest friends a girl could ask for. I am far from perfect, but redeemed by the blood of Jesus! I am thankful for His grace and mercy every day!
This blog is just a little glimpse of my everyday life as a single mother of 4. It's mainly written to help document some of the things I may not remember down the road and figured I would share with you. Happy reading :)
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