Sunday, October 31, 2010

Our Spook-tacular Halloween...

With Halloween being on a Sunday this year, it gave us an entire weekend of many 'terror'ific things to do!
Parties and Parades...
It all kicked off Friday morning with Andrew's and Austin's Halloween Parade and parties at their school. It's so cute seeing all the kids proudly showing off their costumes during the parade, and I always get a kick out of some of the parents creativity with costumes!
Austin strutting his stuff...
Andrew showing off his costume to everyone...
I signed up to volunteer in Austin's class this year since Andrew has already gotten me 2 years to himself. I will admit, by the end of the party I was kicking myself for NOT volunteering at Andrew's instead. I had totally forgotten what it was like dealing with 22 kindergartners hyped up on sugar! Needless to say, it was a long morning!
Austin posing with his class...
Him and his bestfriend, Cody...
Digging for pennies in the cauldron...
Yummy Halloween treats...
Even though I helped in Austin's class, I was able to pop my head in Andrew's classroom a few times and see how their party was going. When I first got in there, I was surprised at how quiet it was for a party. It made me kind of not want to go back to Austin's class, but I did like a good Mom... hehehe.
Andrew and his pal, Robbie...
Andrew proud of his craft...
And another...
Showing off the Lego Community built by his class...
Enjoying snack...
The next day, a couple of my bestfriends and I took all of our kids (10 total) to go Trunk-or-Treat at our local mall. It was quite packed, but the kids had a lot of fun going from store to store collecting goodies!
Nolan, Anthony, Andrew, Austin, Cody, Victoria, Johnathan, Alexis and Denise (Aaron wouldn't cooperate for this pic)...
Andrew, Aaron and Austin ready to save the day...
Alexis just chilling...
Cody, Nolan and Anthony ready for the sugar search...
Johnathan, Victoria and Denise loving the goodies...
Denise and Alexis just enjoying the ride...

A BeWitching Night...
That evening, I got all dressed up to go to one of my other friends' Halloween parties by myself. After hanging out there a while and filling up on lots of yummy snacks, I headed downtown to meet up with my sister and friends for some drinks and dancing. We started the night off at Shakespears and ended at Burdicks - and hopping just about everywhere in between. It was a great night!
Megan and I ready to hit the town...
Me, Megan and my neighbor Jessie...
Group shot...
My favorite Auntie Anne girls (minus Deanna who is hiding behind my hat)...
The hotties of the group ;)...
Bottoms up...
Me and Jess...
Me and Deanna...
Me and Deidre...
Me and Abby...
Still looking good at the end of the night...

Halloween; A Haunting We Will Go...
The night of Halloween, I got the kids all dressed in their costumes and headed over Megan's boyfriend's house for dinner and trick-or-treating. The last few years I have taken the kids to church for fun and games, but we were ready for a change this year and opted to go door to door in a neighborhood instead.  
Andrew as Superman...
Austin as Spiderman...
Aaron as Mr. Incredible...
Alexis as a Poodle...
Ready to go...
Heading up to the first house...
Anyone home??...
Austin filling up on sweets...
Getting all the good stuff...
Digging for the best candy...

Aaron was so funny all night! He would only go up to houses if they were passing out suckers or Laffy Taffy. Unfortunately, this house didn't have either (hehe)...
Nana Krim with her 2 little superheros...
Papa Krim and Aunt Megan on stroller patrol...
After the kids got tired out, we went back to Megan's boyfriend's house and they helped pass out candy to other kids. Austin kept telling kids to say trick-or-treat because it's what they're supposed to do.
Aaron picking out the best pieces to hand out to the other trick-or-treaters...
The boys tired out and ready to dive into their goodies...

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Boo Crew...

Happy Halloween Everyone!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Picassos...

Like last year, I invited my best friend and her boys to come over and carve pumpkins with us this year. We've been fortunate so far this fall with warmer temperatures, and had perfect weather to carve all of our pumpkins outside yesterday. My neighbor even came over with her son for a bit and joined in on some of the fun!
Alexis trying to eat her mini pumpkin...
"Ooh, what's in there!?"...
"Let me try a bite"...
"Maybe I can eat this instead"...
"I know this goes on here somehow"...
Alexis with her final creation (of course, mommy may have helped a little)...
Aaron reluctantly sitting with his pumpkin...
Picking out the seeds...
All smiles with his pumpkin...
Austin cutting his pumpkin...
Off comes the top...
Feeling the ooey gooey insides...
Still digging...
Helping cut out the nose...
Andrew diving right in to carving...
Trying to take the top off...
Scooping out the guts...
"Hmm, anymore seeds??"...
Carving out the nose...
His final masterpiece...