My sister, Patty, and her husband, Eric, welcomed their first born child this past weekend. Finnegan Jackson Ralya was born via c-section on November 7, 2010 at 3:07am. He came into the world weighing 7lb 3oz, measuring 21in. long and looking absolutely adorable!
The road to this pregnancy, and little Finn being born, was quite a long and complicated one for Patty and Eric, but they are so overjoyed at being his parents, that I know they would do it all over again for him in a heartbeat.
New Mommy...
Proud Daddy...
Papa's & Nana Krim's hearts melted the moment they met him, too...
First time Grandparents, Tom & Darlene, were overjoyed...
So precious...
I was excited to finally get my hands on the little guy (even though I had to wait until 5am and was super tired!)...
Aunt Megan made the drive up at 6am to catch a glance at her very first nephew...
The best aunts Finn could have ever asked for...
Boy Meets World...
After intially meeting him fresh out of the womb, we all thought it would be best to go back to Patty and Eric's house so they could get some sleep and we could freshen up. All of us had been up the ENTIRE night waiting for Patty to deliver, and were exhausted by the time we left the hospital at 7am. It was especially worse being daylight savings time and gaining an extra hour of staying awake instead of sleeping. When we went back to the hospital that afternoon, we were able to meet up with my neices and get some great cousin and grandkids pics, although only half of them were there.
My parents with Audrey, Courtney, Andrew and Finn (just missing Austin, Aaron, Alexis and Savanna)...
Finn's cousins absolutely adore him...
Andrew holding him for the first time with Uncle E's help...
My neices, Courtney and Audrey, holding their new baby cousin...
Seriously, they couldn't get enough of him!...
Surrounded by love...
Welcome to the family, Finn!
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